Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

This Fathers Day weekend was wonderful. It makes me think of how lucky Chris and I are to have two wonderful, healthy boys and to have each other. This years Fathers Day also happened to fall on our anniversary. We started out the weekend on Friday, I was off work. The boys went to the dentist in the morning. It was their first dentist appointment. They did awesome! Dr. Shafer said their teeth looked great and had plenty of spacing. Peyton did wonderful..he said it did not hurt and loved his Spongebob toothbrush and toothpaste. Owen did great too, but he had a bit of a crying fit and was not too happy. Eventually he calmed down and he was given a clean bill of dental health! Friday after the dentist we went and had Chinese (our favorite) and went home and got into the pool for a couple hours. My kids just love the water and I think that Owen is partly a fish! After swimming for a bit, Chris and I got ready and took the boys to my parents for the night. We went to St. Louis to the Fox Theater and saw Bill Engvall and Frank Caliendro (the guy that does all voices). They were hilarious. We had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the night out. Saturday was another pool day and we took Chris's dad out for dinner for Fathers Day. We went to Cracker Barrel in Troy and made it home just in time for the rain..or downpour. We drove right into it on the way home and it looked scary! After the storm, the boys decided that they had not had enough pool time and decided to go outside and run up and down the sidewalk ( I will post pictures tomorrow). They were actually laying in the water that had gathered on the sidewalks and were "swimming" in the water. It was just hilarious. Sunday was Fathers Day and our annivrsary. The boys gave Chris their cards that they made themselves. I will post pics of these as well. We went to Hillsboro and had breakfast with Chris's dad and then came home to get ready to celebrate Fathers Day with my family. We had a great fathers day, swimming, dinner and banana split party! Last night when we were getting ready for bed..the boys were exhausted. Peyton was playing with his train on the floor and owen was laying down I told Peyton it was time for bed and he just looked at me and put his hands up and said, "I can'ttttt.....I am playing..." I told him to take the train with him. He laid down and asked for a blanket and I told him he can reach it and he said again, "I can' hands are full" Where do kids get this stuff! I could not help but laugh. So, our weekend was great...lots of rain (please stop rain) but it was great! I will post pictures tomorrow.
Peyton in the water

The boys in the water ( I think they are desperate for a pool)!

The boys again laying in the water getting their hair wet and filthy!

Owen laying in the water

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