Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fun Times

This past weekend was filled with fun. Friday, I took off a half day and Chris and the boys came up to Springfield. We went to the IL State Museum, which is right here where I work. Then we headed over to the Henson Robinson Zoo. I have to say that the weather has been so beautiful these past few weeks...but, Friday was a bit warm. We had a blast at the zoo.. the boys loved watching all the animals and our favorite part is that its never crowded. The boys are free to run ahead and look at the animals. The animals are not as exciting as some of the larger zoos, but for us its perfect.

On Saturday we got up late, had breakfast and headed to Nana and Papa's house to work on fence and to swim in the pool. The boys had a blast and loved helping Papa. Owen's game plan is that the dirtier that you get, the harder you are working. He loves to have his hands dirty, just like Papa. Saturday night we decided to camp out in front of my parents house. The night was beautiful and cool and we had gotten my parents a tent for Fathers Day. We got all set up, got some padding under the tent, our blankets and pillows and settled in for the night. Papa and the Boys fell asleep quickly...Chris and I however, did not. At midnight we decided that we had to go home.. the ground was just too hard for us. We are not much for the camping life. We loaded up the boys and headed home,where we slept like babies.
Monday, we had a playdate planned with the Schwabs. They all came over, we played ball, rode cars around the driveway and played with tractors. After we had all played hard, we had banana splits. They were delicious! The boys sure thought so. I want to say to Ben, Jenny, Tug and Sam, we had a wonderful time with you all. We are looking forward to doing it again real soon!!

Tonight, we are getting haircuts for the boys and hanging out at home..nothing too exciting!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Long time...

It has been a long time since I have blogged on here. Partly due to my job.. we have been super busy at work settling the budget and partly because I have been feeling a little under the weather. Work is finally quiet again and I am starting to feel more like myself (thanks to IV antibiotics). Blastball is over, the boys birthday is in 2 weeks, we finally have settled on a family vacation spot and date (which had to be postponed, due to me getting sick). Blastball turned out to be a huge success. All of the kids loved it..We handed out trophies at the last game, which turned out to be a make up game from earlier in the season. The weather was just beautiful and the kids really enjoyed it.

We have picked a date for the boys birthday party, they decided that they want to have a pool party at the city pool. After having a blast at Kylie's party, we decided to reserve the pool for their party. I cannot believe my babies are going to be 4 already. They have grown up so much just in the past year. Just this past weekend I took the boys to their first birthday party where I actually leave them there...ugh! It just killed me.. but they were ok with it and loved it. We have come so far in the last 4 years. The boys love to watch themselves as babies and just think it is so funny what they do. We have a lot of video from when they were in the NICU and they just don't understand it yet..but they still love to watch themselves. I think that I fall in love with these little guys more and more each day! Didn't think it was possible to love something so much...but it is!

Chris's birthday is on Wednesday, he will be the big 34. Since the boys love birthdays..we are going to make a cake tonight and hopefully go shopping for something for Daddy..Someone once told me that it is important to take your children along for the purchasing of cards for your spouse..it shows your kids the importance of it...I totally agree!

On a lighter note..we have decided on a vacation spot ( 2 actually). We are going to Sandusky, Ohio for 2 days and staying at the Great Wolf Lodge. There is a water park inside the resort and many fun things for the kids to do. We will be there for 2 days, then we are driving to Pennsylvania to Hershey. We are staying there for 2 days and then taking our time driving back... We are very excited to just explore and not have to rush around...it will be refreshing.
Thanks to all who gave me many ideas for vacation!!

The boys enjoying the "game" or the fence at the game
The team getting ready to get their trophies

A typical inning in a blastball game

Peyton getting ready to bat

Owen just getting done batting