Saturday, January 1, 2011


So, the holidays have come and gone. We had a wonderful holiday with the boys, they got so many awesome gifts. Owen's favorites are his digital camera, work bench with real wood and real tools and his train. Peyton's favorite is his train of course. And the digital camera he guesses. Chris and I had such a wonderful time watching the boys open their presents and their eyes just lit up when they came downstairs and saw all the packages. December has been a very busy month for us, in addition to to Christmas. Chris's 8th grade girls basketball team went to state and won again this year. This is the 2nd time in two years...they won last year as 7th graders. We are so proud of the girls and they did awesome! The boys absolutely were in heaven with the girls and the trophy and medals they got to have. They were just so excited to be there in the middle of it all! We also had our family pictures done this past November, they turned out awesome! I have posted some pics of our last few months.

That is about it from our house hold for the winter.. we had a wonderful 2010 and are looking forward to 2011.